the roads are getting nearer
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
` 11:07 PM
It was like so long since i last updead my poor little dog blog. Where should i start with? So many things have passed i didn't take note of it, but who cares. If i had to write everything down, it will take forever to write finish. Recently just went to Indonesia with the whole families for a fishing trip. Its quite a nice place to stay in when it comes to beautiful scenery during both in the day and night. Bright stars was like scattered all over the sky, lighten up the dark night. Even the food there were quite similar to Singapore. I think that is it, there is still got alot more but i lazy to think and type again so stress loh.

Monday, April 12, 2010
` 4:48 PM
Today is the first day of my school life, one word to describe it that will be sucks. Haha!! i thought that i would be in the same class as Edwin but in the end. Both of us were in the different class. our class mostly is Malay only a few is Chinese. We have report to school in the morning around 8.30 must reach in the campus. There is no different attending secondary school, have to wake up so early and squeeze with other people in the MRT. I think thats it.

Friday, March 12, 2010
` 11:27 AM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
` 9:41 AM
Went fishing with Leon last Saturday and that is the fish that Leon caught. And for me? i caught nothing. Sad ah..

Saturday, January 23, 2010
` 9:52 AM
Past few days, i am too lazy to update blog. And now is nothing to do, asking friends to go out... but no one is keen to go out. Bored. Thats the only word that can describe my feeling now. What should i do now? Fishing? or go swimming.AH! dunno what to do... i think thats it. My life have become like that. It is true that after the release of GCE 'O' Level Examination Result, every one started to go to their separate paths. Why must it turn out to be like this? OK that's it.

Monday, November 30, 2009
` 12:49 AM
Hi everyone, hardly go out these few days cuz have to work. the only chance to go out is after 8pm. But 8pm is already quite late, as some of the shop had already closed. Working at a place where people come to buy traveling stuff, All these people will be going to places where it is cold or during the winter. Looking at families come in and choose the sweater and other stuff, their children was about our age or even older. There is a thought that came to my mind, why do they get a chance to go oversea but i have to work here? Are their families very rich, so rich that their children do not have to go to work? Why they get the chance to go to shanghai, Korea and other places? After i come out to work, i feel that my time is fixed cannot make really any more changes. The only chance to go out with Shuhao, Wm or Leon is during the night. The only thing we can do during the night is to have dinner/supper together that's all we can do, we cannot stay too late as the next day have to go to work. Leon and Shuhao had went back to work in the Kiddy
Palace. Their lives in Kiddy Palace is more worse than mine. I have time to slack and sit down and do bar code but for them they have to stand and serve the people. Just went to see them at Jurong point. They are still the same not much changes. still joke around laughter never stop when both of them are around. Enjoy the time with them even though they will sudden talk about no link stuff but it is fun. There still a lot of place in Singapore we haven explore and a lot of fishing spot waiting for us to go there fish. so after these few months of work. Lets go out like crazy. Go explore, Go fishing and Go oversea. now earn more money and enjoy after these 2 months! i think that's it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009
` 10:18 PM
Hi everyone these are some of the photos taken during the graduation night 2009

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Name: Tan Yan Hui (M)
Age: 17
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images; deviantart
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designed; j-wen